Hello there!

I’m Samantha, a Math-Computer Science major at UC San Diego.

I’m currently conducting machine learning research for sound processing under Dr. Curt Schurgers and Dr. Ryan Kastner.

Email: sprestrelski [at] ucsd.edu


Research Intern & Project Co-lead @ UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering
Mar 2022 - present

Tutor @ UCSD CSE Department
Jan 2024 - Mar 2024

  • Undergraduate tutor for CSE 105: Theory of Computation under Prof. Mia Minnes.
  • Lead group office hours for up to 12 students at a time, answer student questions during lecture, help create sample solutions for the homework, and grade assignments
  • Course Website

Lead Peer Mentor @ CSE-PACE
Sept 2023 - June 2024

  • Lead 1-2 mentoring sessions per week on computer science topics such as machine learning, AI ethics, and academic/career pathways to a cohort of 6-10 first year and transfer students.
  • Program: Peer-Lead Academic Cohort Experiences

Teaching Assistant @ COSMOS UCSD Cluster 10: Robot Inventors
Jul 2023 - Aug 2023

  • Led hands-on lab hours for 21 high school students to teach skills in mechanical design, electronics, and programming
  • Advised and debugged students’ week-long projects including battlebots, line-following robots, and walking robots using a Raspberry Pi and OpenCV
  • Program: COSMOS UCSD

Web Development Intern @ RASIRC
Apr 2021 - Mar 2022

  • Redesigned company website and migrated it from HTML to WordPress, enabling non-technical staff to easily make website updates
  • Implemented a new contact form system for requesting meetings and product information

SONY Connected Learning Pathway
Sept 2021 - Nov 2021

  • Designed software solutions for enhancing connectivity between TVs and mobile devices and integrating personalization as a core feature for TVs
  • Performed market research and competitive analysis on existing technology
  • Collaboration program between UCSD Design Lab and SONY Human Factors Team


Nutrition Calculator API - API for dietary reference intakes, BMI, and daily caloric needs.
January 2024

Association for Computing Machinery - AI Division - A club website using React and TypeScript.
September 2023 (Source)

RASIRC - A company website using HTML, CSS, and Wordpress.
Apr 2021 - Mar 2022

Rhythm Room - A web app enabling synchronous music listening across multiple clients.
Stack: Express, React, Node.js, Heroku, the YouTube API, and Socket.io
Project Partner: Jeremy Nguyen
Aug 2021 (Source)

Overheard SPIS - A community message posting board web app.
Stack: Express, Heroku, and PostgreSQL
Aug 2021 (Source)

Art Portfolio - A site to store my digital art work in high school using Weebly.
Jan 2019 - Jun 2021

Internet Safety for Everyone - A site for an internet safety community service group using Weebly.
Sept 2018 - Jun 2021

CCA Girls Who Code - A site for my high school Girls Who Code club and robotics team using Weebly. Aug 2017 - Jun 2021

Relevant Classes

Course descriptions:

Updated for Winter 2024.